Predictive validation of vehicle systems such as intelligent headlamp units, sensors, human-machine interfaces (HMIs) for ADAS and AD with a visually realistic, real-time and interactive driving simulator, sound dimension and physics-based simulation.


ANSYS VRXPERIENCE takes the predictive validation of vehicle systems to the next step. Saving on physical validation time and costs, it lets you test and optimize your intelligent headlamp units, your sensors, as well as your human-machine interfaces (HMIs), for ADAS and AD. For a rapid and simple virtual test of your systems, rely on the unique combination of visually realistic driving simulator, sound dimension and physics-based simulation offered by ANSYS VRXPERIENCE. This real-time and interactive driving simulator lets you create, test and experience your drive in real-world conditions, virtually.

Based on compelling physical simulation software and systems, ANSYS VRXPERIENCE provides a predictive experience for the validation of the performance of your intelligent headlights, your ADAS systems and your HMIs. These unique capabilities enable you to speed up the engineering process at an early stage of development on digital test tracks. Drive your future car with realistic traffic conditions, including various weather, oncoming vehicles, and pedestrians scenarios, anticipating your vehicle’s reaction to any critical situation.

Virtually experience a test drive
Test and optimize the performance of your intelligent headlamp units, sensors and HMIs with the Ansys VRXPERIENCE Driving Simulator powered by SCANeRâ„¢. With this real-time, interactive driving simulator, virtually experience real-world driving conditions. Test your vehicle under variable terrain, weather and lighting conditions, to assess sensor perception, sensor fusion and systems operations. In a fraction of the time required to physically drive the billions of miles required for safety certification, virtually test your vehicle in a closed-loop simulation environment. VRXPERIENCE greatly reduces the time and cost of development by enabling a repeatable process for modified sensor inputs.

Dynamically validate lighting systems
Evaluate your headlight within a complete physics-based simulation in a dynamic virtual driving environment, both for automatic driving and basic manual driving capabilities. It has never been so easy to evaluate systems and to perform regulation checks in driving conditions. Ansys VRXPERIENCE Headlamp virtually simulates all night conditions for testing intelligent headlights and autonomous driving (AD) systems.

Safely test sensors
Based on realistic driving conditions, VRXPERIENCE makes the same reliable decisions as the future real-world connected vehicle will. By providing a realistic physics-based sensor response in real time for camera systems, lidars, radars and ultrasonic sensors, VRXPERIENCE gives the digital car all required information about its environment, enabling you to create the safest autopilot systems. Ansys VRXPERIENCE Sensors simulates all automotive sensors (camera, radar, lidar, ultrasonic).

Interactively assess HMIs
Place drivers at the wheel of the vehicle design process. Within an immersive driving environment, efficiently evaluate the driver’s responses to new intelligent driving systems or advanced proactive safety systems and ensure that he will instantaneously understand important information. For the first time, discover a steadfast and accurate method of testing driver interactions with your future product and HMI, without endangering lives or damaging expensive equipment. Ansys VRXPERIENCE HMI enables the integration of functional HMI concepts into full virtual reality.

Expertly engineer a new sound dimension
With Ansys VRXPERIENCE Sound, create the perfect sound signature for your products. This comprehensive solution for sound analysis facilitates measurement of the perceived sound quality and 3D playback. Listen to Ansys Mechanical simulations (e.g., vibration), modify sounds to evaluate the effects of level changes on components, embed the modified sound into a simulation and run a study on sound quality. Set up psychoacoustic tests based on a listener panel and obtain statistics about the true perception of your sounds. Take advantage of the intuitive user interface, with a graphic display of sounds, to easily create the perfect sound signature for your product.


  • Driving Simulator - Driving simulation environment with SCANeR, including scenarios, traffic and vehicle dynamics run time. Creates custom virtual road environments and testing scenarios.
  • Headlamp - Test intelligent lighting, connect with control law models (AFS/ADB, Matrix beam, Pixel HD light). Check IIHS and glare rating capabilities.
  • HMI - Test and validate the full cockpit design for HMIs, including virtual displays and actuators, through visual simulation, eye and finger tracking, and haptic feedback.
  • Perceived Quality Analysis - Visualize in full scale and in virtual reality, the impact of assembly and shape deviations on the perceived quality of the product, taking into account manufacturing variations.
  • Sensor - Integrates the simulation of ground-truth sensors and camera and lidar sensor types. Powerful graphical visualization capabilities enable assess complex ADAS systems and autonomous vehicles virtually.
  • Sound - Create realistic sound sources and immersive 3D soundscapes.