Unlocking the Potential of AI-Powered Autonomous Drones with the Mistral MRD5165 Eagle Kit – Part 2

Written by: Rohit Dey, Drone Architect, Mistral

The first part of the blog covered the hardware capabilities of the MRD5165 Eagle Kit. This part discusses various software packages and the benefits they bring when using the Eagle Kit for your drone

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Unlocking the Potential of AI-Powered Autonomous Drones with the Mistral MRD5165 Eagle Kit – Part 1

Written by: Rohit Dey, Drone Architect, Mistral Solutions

Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have surged in popularity due to their versatility in various fields, from military reconnaissance to agriculture. Integrating artificial intelli

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Trends in Medical Electronics

Written by: Mistral Solutions

As technology evolves, OEMs are widely exploring the scope of adopting the latest technology trends to Medical Electronics. Trends such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Extended Reality, Internet

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An Overview of Non-Invasive Medical Electronics

Written by: Mistral Solutions

Non-Invasive Medical Devices cater to not just solution specifications and functions to satisfy users’ needs but addresses healthcare regulatory compliances. This blog provides a comprehensive an ov

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Digital signal processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) for Accelerated AI

Written by: Rajesh Chakkingal, Associate Vice President - VLSI

Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA and Signal Processing) has gained relevance in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) domain and now have an advantage when compared to GP

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Anticipating 2019’s game-changing technologies!

Written by: Srinivas Panapakam, VP - Sales & Business Development (PES)

As we welcome a brand new year, I am thinking and looking forward to the top tech trends of 2019. Of course, there are lot of new things coming up like blockchain and quantum computing, but I am inter

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